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Writer's pictureMnh Askary


In all types of machines, the surfaces of moving or sliding or rolling parts rub against each other. Due to the mutual rubbing of one part against another, a resistance is offered to their movement. This resistance is known as friction. It causes a lot of wear and tear of surfaces of moving parts. Any substance introduced between two moving/sliding surfaces with a view to reduce the friction (or frictional resistance) between them, is known as a lubricants. The main purpose of a lubricant is to keep the moving/sliding surfaces apart, so that friction and consequent destruction of material is minimized.   The process of reducing friction between moving/sliding surfaces, by the introduction of lubricants in between them, is called lubrication.

Function of Lubricants:

  1. It reduces wear and tear of the surfaces by avoiding direct metal to metal contact between  the   rubbing   surfaces,   i.e.  by   introducing   lubricants   between   the  two   surfaces.

  2. It reduces expansion of metal due to frictional heat and destruction of material

  3. It acts as coolant of  metal due   to   heat   transfer   media

  4. It  avoids unsmooth relative motion

  5. It reduces maintenance cost

  6. It also reduces power loss in internal combustion engines

Theories of Friction:

Welding theory:

     All metal surfaces, regardless how much finely finished they are, appear as a series of peaks (or asperites) and valleys. So when two solid surfaces are pressed one over the other, only the peaks of the two surfaces come in real contact. Under the action of a load, the local pressure at the peaks becomes sufficiently great to cause deformation of the peaks to create weld junctions between them.

Mechanical  Interlocking:

     When one surface  moves  over  another,  the peaks and valleys present on the surface undergo interlocking; restrict the movement of one surface over the other. This accounts for static friction.

Molecular Attraction:

Atoms of one material are plucked out of the attractive range of their counterparts on the mating surface, lead to the friction.

Electrostatic  Attraction:

   When stick-slip phenomenon takes place between rubbing metal surfaces,  a net flow of electrons takes place producing clusters of charges of opposite polarity  at  the  interface.  These charges  are responsible  for  holding  the surfaces  together  by electrostatic attraction.

Mechanism of Lubrication:

     The phenomenon of lubrication can be explained with the help of the following  mechanism;

(a) Thick-Film  lubrication  (Fluid-Film  or hydrodynamic lubrication)

(b) Thin Film lubrication (Boundary lubrication) and

(c) Extreme Pressure lubrication

Thick-Film lubrication:

     In this, moving/sliding surfaces are separated from each other by a thick film of fluid (at least 1000 A° thick), so that direct surface to surface contact and welding of welding of junctions rarely occurs. The lubricant  film covers/fills  the irregularities  of moving/sliding  surfaces and forms a thick layer between them, so that there is no direct contact between the material surfaces. This consequently reduces friction.

The lubricant chosen should have the minimum viscosity (to reduce the internal resistance between the particles of the lubricant) under working conditions and at the same time, it should remain in place and separate the surfaces.

     Hydrocarbon  oils (mineral  oils which  are lower molecular  weight  hydrocarbons  with about 12  to  50  carbon  atoms)  are  considered  to  be  satisfactory  lubricants  for  thick-film lubrication.  In  order  to  maintain  the  viscosity  of  the  oil  in  all  seasons  of  year,  ordinary hydrocarbon lubricants are blended with selected long chain polymers.

Thin Film lubrication:

     This type of lubrication is preferred where a continuous film of lubricant cannot persist. In such cases,  the clearance  space  between  the moving/sliding  surfaces  is lubricated  by such  a material which can get adsorbed on both the metallic surfaces by either physical or chemical forces. This adsorbed film helps to keep the metal surfaces away from each other at least up to the height of the peaks present on the surface.

Vegetable and animal oils and their soaps can be used in this type of lubrication because they can get either physically adsorbed or chemically react in to the metal surface to form a thin film of metallic soap which can act as lubricant. Although these oils have good oiliness, they suffer from the disadvantage that they will break down at high temperatures. On the other hand, mineral oils are thermally stable and the addition of vegetable/animal oils to mineral oils, their oiliness can also be brought up. Graphite and molybdenum disulphide are also suitable for thin- film lubrication.

Extreme Pressure lubrication:

     When the moving/sliding surfaces are under very high pressure and speed, a high local temperature is attained under such conditions, liquid lubricants fail to stick and may decompose and even vaporise. To meet these extreme pressure conditions, special additives are added to minerals oils. These are called extreme pressure additives. These additives form more durable films (capable of withstanding very high loads and high temperatures) on metal surfaces.

     Important  additives  are  organic  compounds  having  active  radicals  or  groups  such  as chlorine (as in chlorinated esters), sulphur (as in sulphurized oils) or phosphorus (as in tricresyl phosphate). These compounds react with metallic surfaces, at existing high temperatures, to form metallic chlorides, sulphides or phosphates.

Classification of Lubricants:

     Lubricants    are    classified    on    the    basis    of    their    physical    state,    as    follows;

(a)   Liquid   lubricants   or   Lubricating   Oils,   

(b)   Semi-solid   lubricants   or  Greases   and

(c) Solid lubricants.

Liquid  lubricants  or  Lubricating  oils:

     Lubricating  oils  also  known  as  liquid lubricants and further classified into three categories;

(i) Animal and Vegetables oils,

(ii) Mineral or Petroleum oils and

(iii) blended oils.

Characteristic  of good lubricating oils:

(1) high boiling point,

(2) low freezing point,

(3) adequate viscosity for proper functioning in service,

(4) high resistance to oxidation and heat,

(5) non-corrosive properties and

(6) stability to decomposition at the operating temperatures.

Animal  and  Vegetables  oils:

      Animal  oils  are  extracted  from  the  crude  fat  and vegetables oils such as cotton seed oil and caster oils. These oils possess good oiliness and hence they can stick on metal surfaces effectively even under elevated temperatures and heavy loads. But they  suffer  from the disadvantages  that  they  are costly,  undergo  easy  oxidation  to give gummy products and hydrolyze easily on contact with moist air or water. Hence they are only rarely used these days for lubrication. But they are still used as blending agents in petroleum based lubricants to get improved oiliness.

Mineral or Petroleum oils:

     These are basically lower molecular weight hydrocarbons with about 12 to 50 carbon atoms. As they are cheap, available in abundance and stable under service conditions, hence they are widely used. But the oiliness of mineral oils is less, so the addition of higher molecular weight compounds like oleic acid and stearic acid increases the oiliness of mineral oil.

Blended oils:

     No single oil possesses all the properties required for a good lubricant and hence addition of proper additives is essential to make them perform well. Such additives added lubricating oils are called blended oils. Examples: The addition of higher molecular weight compounds  like oleic acid, stearic acid, palmetic acid, etc or vegetables oil like coconut oil, castor oil, etc increases the oiliness of mineral oil.

Semi-solid  Lubricants  or Grease:

     A semi-solid  lubricant  obtained by combining lubricating  oil  with  thickening  agents  is  termed  as  grease.  Lubricating  oil  is  the  principal component and it can be either petroleum oil or a synthetic hydrocarbon of low to high viscosity. The thickeners consist primarily of special soaps of Li, Na, Ca, Ba, Al, etc. Non-soap thickeners include carbon black, silica gel, polyureas and other synthetic polymers, clays, etc. Grease can support much heavier load at lower speed. Internal resistance of grease is much higher than that of lubricating oils; therefore it is better to use oil instead of grease. Compared to lubricating oils, grease cannot effectively dissipate heat from the bearings, so work at relatively lower temp.

Solid lubricants:

They are preferred where

(1) the operating conditions are such that a lubricating film cannot be secured by the use of lubricating oils or grease

(2) contamination (by the entry of dust particles) of lubricating oils or grease is unacceptable

(3) the operating temperature  or  load  is too  high,  even  for  grease  to  remain  in  position    

(4)  combustible lubricants must be avoided. They are used either in the dry powder form or with binders to make them stick firmly to the metal surfaces while in use. They are available as dispersions in non- volatile carriers like soaps, fats, waxes, etc and as soft metal films.

     The most common solid lubricants are graphite, molybdenum disulphide, tungsten disulphide and zinc oxide. They can withstand temperature upto 650° C and can be applied in continuously operating situations. They are also used as additives to mineral oils and greases in order to increase the load carrying capacity of the lubricant. Other solid lubricants in use are soapstone (talc) and mica.


     It is the most widely used of all the solid lubricants and can be used either in the powdered form or in suspension. It is soapy to touch; non-inflammable and stable upto a temperature of 375° C. Graphite has a flat plate like structure and the layers of graphite sheets are arranged one above the other and held together by weak van der Waal’s forces. These parallel layers which can easily slide one over other make graphite an effective lubricant. Also the layer of graphite has a tendency to absorb oil and to be wetted of it.

Molybdenum Di sulphide:

     It has a sandwich- like structure with a layer of molybdenum atoms in between two layers of sulphur atoms. Poor inter laminar attraction helps these layers to slide over one another easily. It is stable up to a temperature of 400° C.

Properties  of  Lubricants:    

  • Viscosity  

  • Flash Point and Fire Point

  • Cloud Point and Pour Point

  • Aniline Point and

  • Corrosion Stability


It is the property of liquid by virtue of which it offers resistance to its own flow (the resistance to flow of liquid is known as viscosity). The unit of viscosity is poise. It is the most important single property of any lubricating oil, because it is the main determinant of the operating characteristics of the lubricant. If the viscosity of the oil is too low, a liquid oil film cannot be maintained between two moving/sliding surfaces. On the other hand, if the viscosity of the oil is too high, excessive friction will result.

Effect  of  temperature  on  viscosity:

     Viscosity  of  liquids  decreases  with  increasing temperature and, consequently, the lubricating oil becomes thinner as the operating temperature increases. Hence, viscosity of good lubricating oil should not change much with change in temperature,  so  that  it  can  be  used continuously,  under  varying  conditions  of  temperature. The rate at which the viscosity of lubricating oil changes with temperature is measured by an arbitrary scale, known as Viscosity Index (V. I). If the viscosity of lubricating oil falls  rapidly  as  the  temperature  is  raised,  it  has  a low  viscosity  index.  On  the  other  hand, if the viscosity of lubricating oil is only slightly affected on raising the temperature, its viscosity index is high.

Flash  Point  and  Fire  Point:

     Flash  point  is the lowest  temperature  at which  the lubricant oil gives off enough vapours that ignite for a moment, when a tiny flame is brought near it; while Fire point is the lowest temperature  at which the vapours of the lubricant oil burn continuously for at least five seconds, when a tiny flame is brought near it. In most cases, the fire points are 5° C to 40° C higher than the flash points. The flash and fire do not have any bearing with  lubricating  property  of  the  oil,  but  these  are  important  when  oil  is  exposed  to  high temperature service. A good lubricant should have flash point at least above the temperature at which it is to be used. This safeguards against risk if fire, during the use of lubricant.

Cloud Point and Pour Point:

 When the lubricant oil is cooled slowly, the temperature at which it becomes cloudy or hazy in appearance, is called its cloud point; while the temperature at which the lubricant oil cease to flow or pour, is called its pour point. Cloud and pour points indicate  the  suitability  of  lubricant  oil  in  cold  conditions.  Lubricant  oil  used  in  a  machine working at low temperatures should possess low pour point; otherwise solidification of lubricant oil will cause jamming of machine. It has been found that presence of waxes in the lubricant oil raise pour point.

Aniline Point:

Aniline point of the lubricant oil is defined as the minimum equilibrium solution temperature for equal volumes of aniline and lubricant oil samples. It gives an indication of the possible deterioration  of the lubricant oil in contact with rubber sealing; packing, etc. Aromatic hydrocarbons have a tendency to dissolve natural rubber and certain types of synthetic rubbers. Consequently, low aromatic content in the lubricant oil is desirable. A higher aniline point means a higher percentage of paraffinic hydrocarbons and hence, a lower percentage of aromatic hydrocarbons.

     Aniline point is determined by mixing mechanically equal volumes of the lubricant oil samples and aniline in a test tube. The mixture is heated, till homogenous solution is obtained. Then, the tube is allowed to cool at a controlled rate. The temperature at which the two phases (the lubricant oil and aniline) separate out is recorded at the aniline point.

Corrosion Stability:

     Corrosion stability of the lubricant oil is estimated by carrying out corrosion test. A polished copper strip is placed in the lubricant oil for a specified time at a particular temperature. After the stipulated time, the strip is taken out and examined for corrosion effects. If the copper strip has tarnished, it shows that the lubricant oil contains any chemically active substances which cause the corrosion of the copper strip. A good lubricant oil should not effect the copper strip. To retard corrosion effects of the lubricant oil, certain inhibitors are added to them. Commonly used inhibitors are organic compounds containing P, As, Cr, Bi or Pb.

Essential requirements or characteristics of a good lubricant are as follows:

  • It should have a high viscosity index.

  • It  should  have  flash  and  fire  points  higher  than  the operating  temperature  of  the machine.

  • It should have high oiliness.

  • The  cloud  and  pour  points  of  a  good  lubricant  should  always  be  lower  than  the operating temperature of the machine.

  • The volatility of the lubricating oil should be low.

  • It should deposit least amount of carbon during use.

  • It should have higher aniline point.

  • It should possess a higher resistance towards oxidation and corrosion.

  • It should have good detergent quality

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