Introduction to material selection process A problem of materials selection usually involves two problems: 1. The Selection of materials for a new design or new product 2. Reevaluation of an existing product or design to reduce cost, increase reliability, improves performance, etc.
The material selection Problem for the design of an engineering component involves three interrelated problems:
1. Selecting a material,
2. Specifying a shape, and
3. Choosing a manufacturing process.
Getting this selection right the first time by selecting the optimal combination your design has enormous benefits to any engineering-based business. It leads to lower product costs, faster time-to-market, a reduction in the number of in-service failures and, sometimes, significant advantages relative to your competition. But to realise these benefits, engineers have to deal with an extremely complex problem. There are literally tens of thousands of materials and hundreds of manufacturing processes. No engineer can expect to know more than a small subset of this ever-growing body of information. Furthermore, there are
demanding and shifting design requirements such as cost, performance, safety, risk and aesthetics, as well as environmental impact and recycle-ability. This document is meant to provide an introduction to the material selection process.
The basic question is how do we go about selecting a material for a given part? This may seem like a very complicated process until we realise that we are often restrained by choices we have already made. For example, if different parts have to interact then the material choice becomes limited.
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